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Thursday 11 October 2012

HTC DLX incoming to challenge Samsung Galaxy Note 2

HTC is readying a phablet for release, as the phone-maker bets on a half-tablet, half-smartphone hybrid to help turn around its freefalling profits.

According to HTC modding maven Football, the device will be dubbed the HTC DLX and will pack a five-inch screen and an impressive sounding 12 megapixel camera.

And adding to what’s shaping up to be one of HTC’s most lavishly specc’d devices ever is a 1.5GHz quad-core Snapdragon S4 Pro processor, 16GB of internal storage and a 2,500mAH battery, claims the mono-monikered source.

Perhaps surprisingly, the handset purportedly won’t run the latest 4.2 version of Android out of the box, but will instead pack the still-pretty-up-to-the-minute Jelly Bean iteration, AKA Android 4.1.

News of HTC’s product pipeline comes as it recently announced a 79 per cent slide in third-quarter profits, amid slow sales for its One range of phones and an increasingly strong showing from its Android rival Samsung.


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